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You can read more about Deborah below, book a consultation or ask us a question...  

A little about us...


Deborah Nelson


I qualified as a Solicitor in April 1999 over 20  years ago and now decide to to use my extensive experience as a Professional Legal Advisor/McKenzie Friend.  So what you get is the experience of a Solicitor for a third of the fees.   You are empowered to represent yourself to get the best outcome.  


I too went through a separation when my son was young, so I have my own experience to draw from of what it is like.  I therefore can have compassion and empathy.  What got me through, well after a while I decided to take some time out to heal, as my own hurt was getting in the way of being objective.  Hence, why I now want to empower others.  I strongly believe you need more than legal support, your life has been turned upside down and when you are at your most vulnerable you are being asked to make major decisions about your life, your future and that of your children if you have any.


I genuinely believe when the right support is obtained whether that be professional therapeutic or appropriate coaching support, this will really help you to make the best decisions.  Too many times, I see client's spending huge amounts of money because they are letting their emotions lead the way and paying for this through Solicitor's at £200 plus VAT an hour, rather than £50 to £80 an hour without VAT for appropriate support and then get legal support which all ends up taking less time and money.      

It allows you to look at your case in a new way, not through the eyes of fear and hurt, getting back at the ex but through what you want to achieve.  Saving a huge amount of money, a clique but in my opinion, very true, getting on with your own life is the greatest revenge...


I  came from a working class background, grew up in a not so perfect family.  Went to University as a mature student, got an upper second degree. Astonished myself what I achieved  in my postgraduate study to become a Solicitor with a distinction and a prize certificate for the most outstanding student.  


I make mistakes like us all, I really try not to judge, I live by the sea, in my spare time, I swim, cycle, dance and play around with creative stuff and eat too much chocolate. 


Mr K


Outstanding, thank you 


I am writing to thank you for the outstanding work, guidance and support you gave me whilst acting as my Mckenzie Friend.  Words really cannot give my appreciation justice.  You carefully managed my expectations throughout and signposted me to useful information during often difficult and stressful times.  The process was extremely daunting at first but you took the time to explain any questions I had and gave me the confidence to put forward my case in the best way possible.  


I owe the outcome of my case to your friendliness, dedication and perseverence which you showed throughout the months leading up to my hearing.  One again please accept my thanks and sincere appreciation.  


Family Court Friend is NOT a legal advice service.  It is a support and guidance service.  


Although  Deborah Nelson is a qualified Solicitor she does  not hold a practising Certificate to be able to advise you as to the merits of your case.  We are providing a service to you as a McKenzie Friends/Legal Assistants and therefore will not be responsible for any adverse decisions made in your case resulting from documents we have helped you prepare and guidance given to you prior to or during court proceedings.  We will not be responsible for any decisions made by you, the court or the other party's solicitor. or applications, 


If you require advice about the merits of your case or application or what to say in your statements you should consult a Practising Solicitor who is regulated by the Solicitor's Regulation Authority or a Direct Access Barrister.  

2015 Deborah Nelson with

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