Children Act

We can help you whether you are parents who need to determine where your child lives or if you want to see your child more often. Even if you are grandparents who want to see your grandchild. Sometimes, where Children's Services are involved it can be challenging for grandparents to even speak with the Social Workers involved.
Now called Child Arrangement Orders (formerly Custody Rights, Residence Orders, Access Rights or Contact Orders) we can help you make arrangements in or out of the Family Law Court.
We can help you with:
Applications for Parental Responsibility
Child Arrangement Orders (previously known as Custody Rights, Residence, Access Rights and Contact Orders)
Applications relating to relocation of your child
Prohibited Steps Orders (for example preventing your ex-partner from changing a child's school)
Specific Issue Order (for example changing a child's surname
Applications for DNA Testing
Applications to find out a child's whereabouts
Applications where Children's Services are involved such as Care or Supervision Orders
We can assist and guide you with the whole process or certain elements of the process, whichever you choose. This includes:
Making an Application
Attending the First Directions Hearing or the Financial Dispute Resolution Hearing
Assisting with Negotiation at Court or with the other party (or other party's Solicitor)
Assisting with writing letters putting forward offers to settle
Discussing the best strategy, likely outcome and risks involved
Assisting with preparation of Documents such as Position Statement and Statement of Evidence
Assisting with preparation for Final Hearing including Court Bundle, Skeleton Argument, Examination Questions
Attending the Final Hearing
Contact us for further information or for a free initial consultation.